Clemens Mills School Council Meeting
Sept 10, 2014 7:00pm
Attendance: Ozzie, Kathy, Eleanor (YMCA), Melanie, Diane, Amanda, Bibi (Teacher), Jo-Anna (principal), Craig, (Vice-Principal), Michelle, Melissa, Jen, Kim (Teacher), Cindy, Tracy
Item Name Notes
Welcome Ozzie Ahmed Introduction of attendees
School Daycare Partnership Eleanor McCoy YMCA has been at Clemens Mills since 1992, new toddler program (begins at 18 months), includes care from toddler to school age (before and after care), seamless day with in school drop off and pick up, can have up to 100 children enrolled, a good partnership with school and teachers – lots of rooms used within the school
Will be open to tour the evening of meet the teacher

Principal Update Jo-Anne Soye – Scott – new superintendent position with Halton board, Jo-Anne will be at CMPS until mid-October as registrations settle and school organization is completed by WRDSB
– 22 new staff members, 745 students enrolled, 31 classes (19 English, 12 French Immersion)
-renovations are almost complete, still awaiting outdoor plans (volleyball court, track and field pits, and asphalt), lockers, shelving, AC coils, replacement of some windows and doors
– Full Day Kindergarten – 4 classes, 4 teachers, and 3 ECEs, play based learning and inquiry learning
-PD Day Sept 19th – (morning) teachers will be working on school improvement plan, (afternoon) teachers will be doing mandatory training
Teacher Representative Kim Gilhespy Assembly last week with students and upcoming assemblies on character traits (monthly), many spirit days planned, lots of clubs up and running (sports, choir, etc) with both staff and students
School Climate Committee Kim Gilhespy – School Committee
– multicultural night (proposed date Nov 19th), needs volunteers and support of council
– memorial tree, would like replacement, will investigate prices and will share with council
-Kathy Long –school climate committee parent rep
Finances Ozzie Ahmed September Start up – $16 743.08
2013-2014 Council Review Ozzie Ahmed Last year the school council assisted with purchase of hydration units; purchased a popcorn machine; held movie nights, pizza days, tuck shop; organized lunch lady service, and promoted screen free week.
Ended the year with discussion on soccer field upgrades, WRDSB would like to keep control of field, possible grant (Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation)
Fundraising included Treasures books and Spring Bulbs
Council Elections ALL Co-Chairs – Ozzie & Jen
Co -Secretary – Marian & Michelle
Community Partner – Eleanor (YMCA)
Movie nights – Tracy
Pizza Lunches – Cindy? (with assistance)
School lunches ALL Ozzie to contact vendors then email council info – decision to be made once info has been distributed
Open Forum & Agenda Item for future meetings ALL Movie Nights
– Tracy will continue, Friday, Oct 24th first one, Criterion movie license was purchased last year, need PALS helpers and some parent volunteers, Rio 2 or How to Train your Dragon 2 are movie options
Dress Code
– set by parent council, see student agenda books for policy
School Day
-A computer program that allows parents to sign up for electronic messages, includes payment for trips, lunches, planners, etc.
-Checking into school policy, spam legislation, and security and privacy.
– Could be out within the next month
Planner Time
Craig (VP) shared that students have 10 mins of planner time at the end of each day –was suggested last year and will continue, has been beneficial to all students
Meet the Teacher
Next Thursday, Sept 18th, no BBQ this year, info to be sent home with students

Next Meeting Wednesday, Oct 8th
*Meetings to be held the 2nd Wednesday of each month